Product details
Eva Lundgreen
Good to know
Includes 5 pastry cutters: heart, tree, Santa Claus, star and Christmas goat.
Materials & care
Stainless steel
More photos of VINTERFINT Pastry cutter, set of 5, mixed shapes stainless steel
Key features of VINTERFINT Pastry cutter, set of 5, mixed shapes stainless steel
Category: Kitchenware & tableware / Cookware
Price: $ 5.99
Availability: in stock
Product dimensions
- Packaging VINTERFINTPastry cutter, set of 5Article Number305.288.11
Width: 6 ¼ in
Height: ¾ in
Length: 7 in
Weight: 4 oz
Package(s): 1
Short description of VINTERFINT Pastry cutter, set of 5, mixed shapes stainless steel VINTERFINT
VINTERFINT Pastry cutter set of 5 mixed shapes stainless steel Doing things in the kitchen is a cozy way to spend time together – and what’s more Christmassy than baking some tasty gingerbread cookies? With this set it’s simple to cut dough in 5 different figures.
Instructions and manuals
Assembly instructions for VINTERFINT Pastry cutter, set of 5, mixed shapes stainless steel - 305.288.11: Download
Honest reviews about 305.288.11 VINTERFINT
Review title: Good for wreath
Customer: Jeanette
Review: I’m no cook! Haven’t made cookies in years. But, these will look great on a door wreath!
Value: 5